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    所在地址 :广东省恩平市侨兴街9号

    Basic tuning skills

    Basic tuning skills

    发布日期:2018-08-10 点击:

    Adjust the host's voice The host's voice quality directly affects the mood of the audience, so first adjust the host's voice. The host's tone is generally divided into two types, low tone and medium tone. In the case of low intonation, a close-range pickup method is adopted. The slender part of the voice can be picked up at a close distance, which makes the high and low sounds rich, and the sound range is wide and with a sense of intimacy. However, the closer the distance, the more low pitches, which will affect the clarity of the sound, and more high pitches will cause problems such as unclean sound. In order to avoid these problems, first of all, pay attention to the characteristics of the microphone in the microphone selection, choose a microphone with bright sound quality, require good midrange characteristics, and secondly work on the mixer. For example, attenuate the low frequency by 6-10 decibels near 150HZ, increase the mid-range 250HZ-2KHZ by 3-6 decibels, and attenuate the high frequency above 5KHZ by 3-6 decibels. This can greatly improve the clarity of the sound, and the sound quality is bright. In order to maintain the intimacy and authenticity of the sound, do not add any effects. Then the volume should be moderate, generally controlled at about -10DB. For the middle intonation, the mid-frequency increase tends to make the sound blunt, and a slight increase in the low frequency makes the sound fuller.


    2. Singer's voice adjustment Before adjustment, you must first be familiar with the singer's vocal characteristics and singing style, and secondly, understand the singer's timbre and frequency response width, as well as dynamic range, and song style. The microphones used by singers need to have bright sound quality, wide frequency response, low distortion, and large dynamic range. The singer should stand in a sound field with a scattering surface. During the singing process, pay attention to the singer's tooth and breath not to be exposed, you can attenuate 3-6 decibels around 7KHZ. In terms of sound quality compensation, attention should be paid to the adjustment of low frequency. Increasing the mid-frequency band can increase the brightness. For example, a 2KHZ-4KHZ increase of 3-6 decibels can greatly increase the brightness of the singing voice, and an increase of about 200HZ will make the sound thick and powerful. Attenuate the low frequency near 100HZ by 3-6DB to improve sound clarity and reduce microphone close-up effects. The volume should be moderate, raise the weak tone up, and suppress the strong tone down. Automatic (excitation. Compression limit) and manual combination.



        ● QQ :2853265911

        ● Phone :86-0750-7781218


        ● Address :9 Qiaoxing Street, Enping City, Guangdong Province

        ● Foreign managers:WuXianSheng :13025860630

        ● Domestic manager :YuXiaoJie :18026822165

        ● Domestic manager:LiuXianSheng :18026876191

        ● Technical Manager : Yang : 18026826391

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