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    联系电话 :86-0750-7781218



    所在地址 :广东省恩平市侨兴街9号

    Features of speakers

    Features of speakers

    发布日期:2018-08-10 点击:


    Features of speakers

    Compared with ordinary household Hi-Fi speakers, speakers have the following different characteristics.

     1) Different characteristics of speakers

    (1) Speakers have high requirements for large dynamic playback of subwoofers. There are many extremely low frequencies in speaker situations, such as explosions in movies, bass drums in discos, etc. The frequency is as low as 20Hz or even louder. The pressure level can exceed 110db, this kind of sound is not necessarily heard by the ear, but gives people a feeling, Hi-Fi speakers do not have this requirement

    (2) In the three aspects of vocal dialogue, music and sound effects, music has high requirements for fidelity, while movies have high requirements for sound effects, because people’s attention when watching movies is mainly on visual and language dialogue. On the above, I don’t care much about the details of music, so the sound system does not overemphasize the performance of meticulous sound, but emphasizes the magnificent sound effects to coax the atmosphere. Hi-Fi speakers are high-fidelity speakers that require accurate original sound. To reproduce, pay attention to the flatness and broadness of the frequency response and the beautiful tone, so the fidelity requirements are higher than that of the speakers.

    2) The configuration of the speakers is different. Speakers are generally used in larger occasions, such as large halls, stadiums, etc. In order to create the atmosphere of the sound system, the system is often composed of multiple speakers, and special subwoofer speakers are used to highlight the bass effect. Music programs generally use double The sound channel is recorded, so the speakers only need two speakers, and woofer speakers are rarely used.

    3) The requirements of timbre are different. Speakers have a decisive influence on the tone of the sound system. The speakers focus on the reproduction of music, emphasize the taste of music, pay attention to the expressive power of slight details, require the use of soft and delicate sound, and the sound system uses language Harmony effect sound is mainly replayed, focusing on the momentum and strength of the sound in order to produce a more shocking sound effect. At the same time, speakers are required to have strong control over the sound and a good sense of speed, ranging from light songs and whispers to lightning and thunder. Able to behave freely.



        ● QQ :2853265911

        ● Phone :86-0750-7781218


        ● Address :9 Qiaoxing Street, Enping City, Guangdong Province

        ● Foreign managers:WuXianSheng :13025860630

        ● Domestic manager :YuXiaoJie :18026822165

        ● Domestic manager:LiuXianSheng :18026876191

        ● Technical Manager : Yang : 18026826391

        Copyright ©Features of speakers-恩平市冠星电子厂!粤ICP备2021042115号-1  

        Guanxing Electronics - Enping Guanxing Electronics Factory