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    What is the difference between a condenser conference microphone and a KTV microphone

    What is the difference between a condenser conference microphone and a KTV microphone

    发布日期:2018-08-10 点击:


    The difference between the condenser conference microphone and the KTV microphone is that the condenser conference microphone is V-wave, while the KTV microphone is U-segment.

    Because the V band has a narrow low frequency range (180MHZ-280MHZ), there will be interference between more than 6 bands, and the U band has a wider range (500MHZ-900MH), so there will be interference when there are more than 60. In addition to the small loading data, the V-band sound effect is worse than that of the U-band.

    Because the U-segment is a high-frequency transmission and reception. Therefore, the requirements for electronic vitality parts are higher than that of the V-segment. The technical content is also much higher. In terms of application, the U-segment is not a segment with most frequency waves in daily life. Therefore, the chance of interference is greatly reduced. The U section is wide. More frequency point misdivisions can be made to realize the use of multiple frequency points in the same occasion without interference.



        ● QQ :2853265911

        ● Phone :86-0750-7781218


        ● Address :9 Qiaoxing Street, Enping City, Guangdong Province

        ● Foreign managers:WuXianSheng :13025860630

        ● Domestic manager :YuXiaoJie :18026822165

        ● Domestic manager:LiuXianSheng :18026876191

        ● Technical Manager : Yang : 18026826391

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