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    If you want to choose a good quality microphone, what should you look at?

    If you want to choose a good quality microphone, what should you look at?

    发布日期:2020-12-30 点击:

    For those who have no experience or knowledge and want to enhance the sound quality and buy better microphones, when faced with a dazzling array of radio equipment, the price difference is not only a few hundred yuan. In addition to listening to the recommendations of the seniors, you may wish to learn more about the price that affects the price. "Factors" of quality and quality, and what is the purpose.

    For experienced people, the quality of the sound determines the quality of the entire project. When a very high standard is used in the production of a film, there will be no such behavior as "saving the sound in the later stage", because the radio is taken seriously in the pre-work. Microphones can be said to be the key equipment in sound work. Of course, rather than entangled in the matter of good enough, it is better to choose the microphone that suits you. To do this, you must first understand the difference.

    The so-called Polar Patterns of the microphone refers to the sensitivity of the microphone to sound in different directions and angles. In a simple way, it is the degree to which the microphone receives the volume in different directions. Common types are: Toward, cardioid, gun and super cardioid.

    Starting from the basic recording, each microphone has its own polarity to determine the coverage of the sound. The common cardioid microphone, as the name suggests, draws an inverted cardioid from the microphone position forward, that is, the range of its receiving angle, which is mainly concentrated in the front, and the rear is almost uncovered. Supercardioid has narrow directivity and noise immunity, but the sound in the reverse short distance will also be recorded, so you need to pay attention to the backlash when installing monitoring equipment behind the microphone. The omnidirectional microphone is an average 360-degree recording of all sounds. For video photographers or YouTubers, the most commonly used set-top microphones are cardioid or super-cardioid, and super-directional shotgun microphones (Shotgun) may also be used, unless the live sound of indoor group discussions or meetings is to be included. Will use omnidirectional microphones.


    The microphone also has a recording volume range, which we call the electrical frequency difference, which is also the dynamic range. Microphone parameters are commonly marked as Max SPL and E.I.N (sound pressure and noise floor), the former value minus the latter is the dynamic range of the microphone, such as Max SPL 140 dB SPL, E.I.N 16 dB, then the receiving range is 124 dB. If the noise floor is too high and the sound is weak, you need to be very close to the sound source, otherwise you will not be able to record it if it is lower than the noise floor. Conversely, if you want to record in front of percussion instruments, you must have a relatively high sound pressure tolerance. So of course the wider the dynamic range, the better, but it may also be reflected in the price.

    In addition to the above, there are actually some detailed specifications, such as sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, polarity, impedance... etc. If you are interested, you may wish to study in depth. In addition to these conditions that affect the sound quality, factors such as weight, volume, and power supply need to be considered, and there are still gaps between the same price and the same level of microphones.

    Guanxing Electronics provides products to professionals and amateurs, including wireless microphone systems, wired microphone systems, conference microphone systems and electro-acoustic accessories, from single products to complete sets of professional microphone manufacturers, Guanxing Electronics can provide! Look forward to working with you!

    (Some materials on this website come from the Internet. If the information displayed on this website infringes your copyright or other legal rights, please notify us in time, and this website will be deleted in time.) 



        ● QQ :2853265911

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        ● Technical Manager : Yang : 18026826391

        Copyright ©If you want to choose a good quality microphone, what should you look at?-恩平市冠星电子厂!粤ICP备2021042115号-1  

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