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    How to choose a microphone: "Condenser microphone" is very different from "Dynamic microphone"

    How to choose a microphone: "Condenser microphone" is very different from "Dynamic microphone"

    发布日期:2021-04-28 点击:

    In a singer’s performance, the microphone is an important tool for accuracy when singing, and the principle of the microphone’s sound will vary according to the type. This article will introduce you to the common "condenser microphone" and "moving coil" microphone".

    The sensitive nature of the condenser microphone makes it easy to record more sound details and is suitable for use in soundproofed recording studios. When sound waves enter the microphone, the sound waves will vibrate the two parallel metal plates in front of the microphone. At this time, the tempered plastic diaphragm will vibrate with the sound wave, but the metal plate at the back is fixed. The capacitor body formed by the distance between the two will vibrate. The generated voltage difference will be converted into different signals to produce sound. Condenser microphones are different from other microphones in that they need to be powered, and phantom power is often seen on some recording interfaces.

    Dynamic microphones are different from high-sensitivity condenser microphones. Dynamic microphones do not require additional power supply, so they have low sensitivity and are not easy to receive subtle audio signals. They are suitable for singing in public venues. The diaphragm of the moving coil microphone vibrates the diaphragm after receiving the sound wave, causing the coil wound on the magnet to vibrate back and forth. After the magnetic field changes, a current signal is generated and transmitted.


    Each microphone of a different model has a different range and sensitivity. This range is called the "directivity" of the microphone. Microphones with different directivities have different uses. They can be used by singers or musicians. Choose and use in different venues.

    After reading the above text introduction, do you have a preliminary understanding of how to choose a microphone? Guanxing Electronics provides products to experienced professionals and amateurs, including wireless microphone systems, wired microphone systems, conference microphone systems and electro-acoustic accessories, from single products to complete sets of microphone manufacturers, Guanxing Electronics can provide! Look forward to working with you!

    (Some materials on this website come from the Internet. If the information displayed on this website infringes your copyright or other legal rights, please notify us in time, and this website will be deleted in time.)



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